צרו קשר

    הזינו פרטים ונציגנו יחזור אליכם בהקדם

    בחר קובץ


    anyTEXT was founded in 2001 to address the diverse needs of the many companies, individuals and organizations, communicating and competing in a multi-lingual market.

    Over the years the business has grown, but the principles and dedication remain the same – to connect people with different languages and cultures in a clear, coherent and unified manner.

    Each project, big or small, gets highly individualized attention from day one, with the explicit goal of understanding your business, your needs, and the message you want to get across, tailored to each local market with its linguistic subtleties.

    No matter the size of your project, anyTEXT guarantees 100% commitment to deliver the best end results from its dedicated staff, relying on deep industry specific knowledge, advanced tools, and an uncompromising willingness to give you the service you deserve.

    Covering more than 30 languages, handled by highly trained native speakers, working with anyTEXT assures that your project is always conveyed to the right audience, with the right words


    Two years before the State of Israel was established, a young couple, cradling a baby in their arms, decided to establish their home at the highest point in Gush Dan, in Givatayim. Zvi Maayani and Malka Victoria Azoulay raised their three children on the summit of that hill; the whole family built terraces to plant all the fruit trees they could. It took them years, but they knew it was a long-term investment.

    Time passed, the children grew to adulthood and began families of their own. And the fruit – especially the oranges – grew thick on the branches of the trees. Fruit of the labour of Zvi and Malka and their offspring.

    The Maayani family home was an abundant spring of generosity and devotion. Zvi would fill crates with oranges and distribute them to everyone, even sending them to people abroad. He was so proud of them. The trees have continued to bear fruit for decades, through today, even after being uprooted and replanted all over Givatayim.

    The house is now gone, and where it once stood, a new building is now rising, but the tradition cannot be broken. The Maayani family oranges continue to grow on tree branches all over the city.

    This is our inspiration, here at anyTEXT.
    Inspiration instilled with values, tradition, and steady work.

    We strive for you to enjoy the fruits of our labor,
    We hope for many more good years.
    We replace oranges with words;
    We uphold values of loyal service and dedication.

    This is what constantly guides us.

    Aviva Scher-Maayani

    Born in France, Aviva has lived in Israel since 1977. A member of the Israel Translators Association and certified by the Consulate of France in Tel Aviv, she completed graduate studies in French literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and received a diploma in translation and interpreting from Bar Ilan University.

    In addition to managing multilingual projects, her professional experience over the past 40 years includes simultaneous translation for public and private agencies such as:

    • Jewish Agency
    • World Zionist Organization
    • Yad Vashem
    • Ministry of Defense
    • WIZO
    • French Embassy
    • French Institute
    • European Union
    • Red Cross
    • Tel Aviv University
    • Bar Ilan University
    • i24 News


    As well as written translations of

    • Books
    • Dictionaries
    • Catalogs
    • Software
    • Movie subtitles and voice-overs
    • Psychometric tests
    • Agricultural guides
    • Technical documents


    She is also active in teaching translation at Bar Ilan University and mentoring young translators.

    לקוחות יקרים,

    אנו מחזקים ומחבקים את חיילי צה”ל, כוחות הביטחון ותושבי ישראל.

    בימים קשים אלו אנו עושים את מירב המאמצים על מנת לסייע ולהעניק את השירות הטוב ביותר עבורכם.

    שנדע ימים שקטים ובטוחים.
    ביחד ננצח!

    ניסיון של 30 שנה בתרגום, כתיבה וייעוץ לשוני!
    התקשרו: 03-6349657
    או מלאו פרטים ונחזור אליכם בהקדם